Asian Together’s Month May 2024: North Asian Mental Health

By Mahika Vartak

North Asia, which includes countries such as Mongolia, and Kazakhstan, has a rich history that has shaped the region into what it is today. The area saw various nomadic tribes and empires, such as the Mongols and the Huns, who played significant roles in the region's development. These nomadic groups were known for their mobility and conquests, which influenced the culture and history of North Asia. These nomadic groups were renowned for their mobility and conquests, which exerted a significant influence on the culture and history of North Asia. Their way of life, characterized by constant migration and territorial expansion, left an indelible mark on the region's tapestry. The Mongol Empire, for instance, at its peak, stretched from Eastern Europe to the Sea of Japan, a testament to the far-reaching impact of these nomadic peoples. The legacies of these nomadic civilizations continue to resonate in the region's cultural fabric, serving as a reminder of the area's storied past and the resilience of its inhabitants in the face of constant upheaval and change.

Let's talk history…

In more recent history, the Soviet Union had a significant impact on North Asia. During this period, the Soviet government invested heavily in developing heavy industries, infrastructure, and manufacturing capabilities across its territories, including North Asia. This led to the establishment of major industrial centers and the growth of urban populations as people migrated from rural areas in search of employment opportunities. Politically, the Soviet regime imposed a centralized, communist system of governance, suppressing dissent and enforcing strict ideological conformity. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, North Asia underwent further transformations as it grappled with the challenges and opportunities presented by newfound independence. The transition from Soviet rule to self-governance was marked by economic upheavals, political restructuring, and a renewed emphasis on national identities. This tumultuous period ultimately paved the way for the independent nations we see in North Asia today, each charting its own course while bearing the indelible imprints of the Soviet legacy.

Mental Health Efforts

The topic of mental health in North Asia is complex and varies a lot across the different countries in the region. In many North Asian countries, more and more people are becoming aware of mental health issues, which is beneficial in reducing stigma. However, there are still some big challenges when it comes to the stigma around mental health problems and being able to access proper mental health services. Mongolia has also made good progress by focusing on providing mental health services in local communities and trying to reduce the stigma around mental illness.

The current situation

In North Asia, some of the most common mental health issues people face are depression, anxiety, and disorders related to stress. There are many different factors that can contribute to developing these conditions, like cultural expectations, pressures from society, money problems, and whether or not people can actually get proper mental health care services. It's important to approach these mental health struggles with sensitivity and an understanding attitude. If someone is dealing with a mental health issue, it's always best for them to seek help from a professional who can properly diagnose what's going on and provide the right treatment. Mental health in North Asia is a complicated topic, but it's one that more and more people are fortunately paying attention to and providing resources for. Even so, there's still more progress that needs to happen when it comes to reducing the stigma around mental illness and making sure everyone can access the mental health care they need.


Getting proper mental health care services in North Asia can be quite difficult for a few different reasons. One big challenge is the stigma that unfortunately still exists around mental health issues in some North Asian countries and cultures. People might avoid seeking help because they're afraid of being judged or treated differently if others find out they have a mental health condition. Another major obstacle is access, especially in rural or remote areas far from cities. There just aren't enough mental health facilities, professionals trained to provide mental health care, and funding set aside for these important services in many of these areas. In cities, the situation is usually a bit better in terms of having mental health resources available. But the stigma factor can still make people hesitant to use them. And overall, there's still a lot of work to be done to make high-quality, affordable mental health care easily accessible to everyone across North Asia, no matter where they live or what their background is.

Taking action

Supporting mental health across North Asia is crucial, but it will require concerted efforts. A major component is raising awareness and reducing the stigma that still surrounds mental health issues in many communities. We must normalize these conversations and make it acceptable for individuals to speak openly if they are struggling. Education is paramount - helping people understand mental health conditions, available services, and how to access them. The more we disseminate this information, the better.  Moreover, we need to expand mental health services themselves - increasing facilities, counselors, therapists and other professionals that people can easily access and afford. In some areas, obtaining mental health support remains challenging due to lack of resources. However, by encouraging open dialogue, providing educational campaigns, and supporting local mental health initiatives, we can make progress. It will take time, but addressing the challenges systematically will enhance mental well-being for people across North Asia. The goal is to make mental health services accessible and destigmatized for all who need them.

Works Cited

“Why Asian Americans Don’t Seek Help for Mental Illness.” Why Asian Americans Don’t Seek Help for Mental Illness | McLean Hospital, 2 May 2023,

“Understanding and Addressing Mental Health Stigma in Asia.” Cigna Singapore, Cigna, 6 Oct. 2020,,of%20shame%20for%20the%20family.

“A Brief History of the Cultures of Asia (Article).” Khan Academy, Khan Academy, Accessed 13 May 2024.


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