The Significance of China’s Emerging AI on Healthcare: An Intensive Study on These Expert Machine Systems
By Verna Zhuo
Introduction: As technology continues to evolve, AI has emerged as a powerful tool in replicating an individual’s brain processes. According to Investopedia, Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence through machines that are programmed to be similar to a human’s cognitive thoughts and actions. Recently, countries such as China have made significant advancements in AI technology, particularly in the healthcare sector. The integration of AI into healthcare systems has aided the transformation of patient care, medical research, healthcare equipment, and administrative procedures which results in more efficient treatment.
Different Types and Examples of AI: According to Investopedia, there are many different types of Artificial Intelligence that manifests into our daily lives. Narrow AI, also known as Weak AI, is programmed to carry out one particular job. Examples of Narrow AI systems include recommendation systems on YouTube or virtual assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri. Narrow AI is highly specialized to perform certain tasks and will not perform tasks outside its designated function. General AI, also known as Strong AI, has the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks that are similar to human intelligence. Super AI would be a system that is programmed to be significantly more intelligent than rocket scientists and capable of solving complex problems that are unsolvable for humans. Although humans have made tremendous progress by achieving Narrow AI, General AI and Super AI is still a theoretical concept that awaits future leaders to discover.
The Presence of China’s First Hospital Town: According to the Global Times, China has recently made headlines with the debut of its first hospital town, signifying an innovative step towards the integration of technology into healthcare and urban development. China unveiled its first AI hospital created by AI researchers from Tsinghua University, called “Agent Hospital.” The hospital is currently designed to have 14 AI doctors and 4 virtual nurses. The objective of this AI hospital is to train doctor agents through a simulated environment so that it can independently adapt and improve its ability to treat diseases. While the task of treating thousands of patients would take human doctors at least two years to complete, these AI doctors are capable of treating 10,000 patients in just a few days. To show its achievements furthermore, evolved doctor agents scored an impressive 93.06 accuracy rate on an U.S. Medical Licensing Exam. The research team also points out that the AI hospital town can simulate the entire process of diagnostics, treatments, consultations, examinations, and follow-ups. After six months of development, this AI hospital is expected to be operational by the end of 2024.
Integration of AI Into Healthcare: Based on evidence from The Economic Forum, AI algorithms can analyze medical images from X-Rays, MRIs, CT scans, and PET scans with higher accuracy. It can often detect abnormalities from these images that may be missed by the human eye. As a result, this leads to a more accurate diagnosis and earlier treatment plans. AI chatbots and virtual assistants on certain medical apps can provide patients with medical information, remind them to take medications, and even monitor their health conditions. Furthermore, AI can automate administrative tasks such as classifying patients, scheduling appointments, billing medical fees, and managing patient records. This leads to a lesser burden on healthcare providers so they can optimize their time on patient treatment. Based on data from The White House, the integration of AI can help doctors and healthcare workers deliver higher quality care while cutting healthcare costs by hundreds of billions of dollars annually.
Why Doctors Can’t Be Substituted by AI: Patients are usually seen and being diagnosed by doctors during their most vulnerable moments. During those sensitive time periods where patients are anxious about symptoms and test results, the presence of a healthcare provider can help ease the patient through effective communication and a strong sense of empathy. This critical interaction ensures that the patients feel understood, supported, and confident in their care. According to Health E Careers, these human elements are essential for building trust, improving patient outcomes, and providing personalized care that are tailored for every individual’s needs. As a result, patients might be more willing to share important health information, follow medical advice, and remain committed to obtaining proper treatment. Additionally, Dr. Dong Jiahong, from Tsinghua University expressed that unlike the field of AI that will remain “cold” without expressions, medicine is a science of love and an art of warmth. Therefore, AI systems will never be able to replicate that personal connection between a patient and their trusted doctor.
Conclusion: In conclusion, China’s healthcare system is rapidly evolving with the integration of advanced technologies. such as AI. These expertised innovations are enhancing diagnostic accuracy, personalizing treatment plans, and improving overall patient health. Despite the significant contributions of AI systems, it cannot replace doctors. The complex decision-making required in medical practice, the empathy necessary for patient interactions, ethical considerations, adaptability to patient requests, coherence between healthcare employees, and the need for interdisciplinary coordination are aspects that AI robots can’t mimic. Overall, AI functions as an efficient assistant tool rather than a replacement, as doctors provide a certain human touch and warmth to patients that are indispensable in the medical world.
Works Cited
“Delivering on the Promise of AI to Improve Health Outcomes.” White House, The White House, 14 December 2023. Accessed 14 August 2024.
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“3 Smart and Green Innovations Making China’s Healthcare System More Sustainable.” WeForum, World Economic Forum, 25 June 2024. Accessed 12 August 2024.